Archive | May 2014

Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education

Flipped Classroom

User Generated Education

The Flipped Classroom, as most know, has become quite the buzz in education.  Its use in higher education has been given a lot of press recently.  The purpose of this post is to:

  1. Provide background for this model of learning with a focus on its use in higher education.
  2. Identify some problems with its use and implementation that if not addressed, could become just a fading fad.
  3. Propose a model for implementation based on an experiential cycle of learning model.

Background About the Flipped Classroom

This first section provides information from various articles that describe the flipped classroom, and how it is being discussed and used in educational settings.

In its simplest terms, the flipped classroom is about viewing and/or listening to lectures during one’s own time which frees up face-to-face class time for experiential exercises, group discussion, and question and answer sessions.

It’s called “the flipped classroom.” While there…

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Estar en red y en la red, es una obligación! (Educación Disruptiva)

Estar en red y en la red, es una obligación!
(Educación Disruptiva)

juandon. Innovación y conocimiento



    Nunca he sido una persona que acepte las cosas por su valor nominal y me temo que muchos docentes en esta profesión están haciendo justamente eso. Mi objetivo en ser parte de un proyecto de búsqueda, de pensamiento crítico, de mejora constante y si es necesario para ello, «quitar y poner un nuevo rey, pues adelante», mi vida es desafiar, pensar un poco, cruzar líneas rojas, que casi nadie se atreve a hacer—dar mi propio punto de vista y esperar provocar un poco de conversación que conduzca a un cambio positivo para los estudiantes….(un pofesor disruptivo, o a lo mejor cualquier persona de la callle)…

Quiero romper la idea de que todo el aprendizaje tiene que ser gradual, evaluado o de alguna manera atado a un mapa curricular que valga la pena.
Quiero romper con aquellos que piensan que la tarea es una actividad digna en las…

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Educators Are Doin’ It For Themselves: Creating Their Own Professional Development

User Generated Education

User Generated Education

Educators are creating their own professional development opportunities on their own time without compensation, acknowledgement, nor credit.


With so many great resources on the web, teachers are realizing that they can learn just as much (if not more!) from their personal learning network (PLN) as they can from traditional professional development (PD). Educators are connecting with like-minded individuals across the globe, reading about best practices and new trends in education, and sharing their experiences with friends and colleagues. Through social media, popular blogs and webinars, teachers are taking ownership of their learning and finding PD opportunities that weren’t possible a decade ago (Do-It-Yourself Virtual Professional Development: Taking Ownership of Your Learning).

Here is a list of how they are doing it:

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Digital Leadership Challenge

Digital Leadership Challenge

Adjusting Course

Digital Leadership Challenge: Driven to Collaborate

Digital Leadership Badge

 A car has one windshield and when it becomes foggy the driver’s response is obvious.  The windshield of today’s school leader is not so unidimensional.

21st century school leaders are charged with leading complex change and in doing so they must serve with multiple windshields, or lenses.  Traditional lenses have included instructional leadership, culture, and community partnership. We must embrace an additional lens; our students are counting on us to provide digital leadership!

A digital leadership lens requires each of us to see the road with a new set of eyes.  Nearly every situation we encounter should be considered with this new perspective.  The reality is that our students find themselves in a connected world with limitless potential.  And still, we have barely scratched the surface of how this translates to 21st century pedagogy.


“If we lead today as we led yesterday, we…

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HOW-TO : Tipos de MOOC y diseños de cursos eLearning

El MOOC está de moda y nosotros queremos saber…aquí van algunos datos.

El aprendizaje «emergente» es impredecible!

El aprendizaje «emergente» es impredecible¡¡

juandon. Innovación y conocimiento



Leyendo aspectos del aprendizaje en nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje, me encuentro con textos de mi querida amiga Grainne Conole  y De Freitas, que en el 2010 defendían un co-aprendizaje entre aprendices y docentes, una especie de constructo conjunto entre ambos…

Naturalmente esto puede seducir a una parte de la sociedad, la que aboga por un curriculum no impuesto ni dictado des de la “jerarquía” de un sistema que camina de arriba a abajo y que no deja resquicios en cuánto al aprendizaje de CONTENIDOS, relajándose un poco con las metodologías (y lo hacen porque no son capaces de establecer ninguna que no les comprometa a ellos mismos), eso amaparaba la famosa “libertad de cátedra”, que en realidad no significa nada, ya que en educación lo que realmente importa es que los aprendices aprendan, y no “fuegos artificiales colaterales…”.

Lo que sucede en la práctica viene determinado sustancialmente  por los…

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170 Ways To Use Word Clouds In Every Classroom

170 Ways To use Word Clouds In Every Classroom

21 st Century Educational Technology and Learning


Welcome to a post I always have  fun writing. Last year I attempted finding ways to use Word Clouds (Wordle) in education. When I concluded writing that post I was at 108 possible ways. More than a half year went by, and I  was up to  125 ways to use Word Clouds in the classroom. I am so proud that this post now includes 170 ways.  I was able to put together this list  because of you and a lot of reflection.  I would like to get the number close to 200, so if you have any ideas… please let me know. Leave a comment or send me an email at To ensure you do not miss any upcoming valuable posts or other resources covering PBL, STEM, 21st century learning, and technology integration please sign up for 21centuryedtech by email or RSS. As always,  I invite you to follow me…

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